Boudoir Sesh
First of all, I'm going to say something and I'm going to need you to stop and LISTEN UP REAL QUICK. I have heard sooo many times, "I really want to do boudoir photos, I want to feel sexy, but I will book when I lose about 20 more pounds!" I wish you all could see the annoyed look on my face when I hear or read that. Since when are skinny girls the only sexy girls? Get that idea out of your head and trust me when I say... I can guarantee that your spouse appreciates a little more cushion for the pushin', if you catch my drift! Plus, the sad part about it is, when you do lose those 20 pesky pounds, you will just sadly find something else about yourself that you don't like. Lawd, I wish I was as fat as I thought I was when I was 25!
For years I have wanted my boudoir sessions to take off, but I've just never really advertised for them nor really shown my clients that I even offer them! One day I decided that I was going to start showing off my boudoir ladies (with their permission of course) and what-do-ya-know the sessions took off! Here come the ladies who are ready to feel sexy in their own skin and work what their mama gave them!

The session starts out with you taking the first step and messaging me to book! When you decide if you want hair and makeup done (highly recommended), we will message our HMUA (hair and makeup artist) to confirm the date. You will decide if you want to find your own HMUA or if you want a HMUA to come on-site and get you all dolled up. If you choose on-site, you can either have the hair and makeup done at your house or mine! So if you're being held back by thinking that you don't have a room "pretty" enough or setup for boudoir pictures, no stress! I have a room setup in my home for boudoir sessions, hair and makeup, etc. On-site hair and makeup will take anywhere from an hour to 1.5 hours.... you can expect the photo session to take just as long! Also - some ladies mention needing a little drink to take the edge off and I have you covered there! Happy to offer a cocktail for you to sip on while getting ready!

Once you're all dolled up and ready, we start the moves! I recommend that you bring several outfits and I will go through everything you bring to suggest which to wear, when to wear them, and how to wear them. I will listen to what you are comfortable with and uncomfortable with. I take these insecurities and position you in ways that are flattering and bring out your best features.

Once the session is done, I will get started on editing the images. You will receive your gallery within 3 days along with a print release to download and keep for yourself forever! I highly, highly recommend keeping those images, printing them off when you're 80 and gifting them to your grandkids to show them how hot grandma was, hahahaha. I'm kidding, but also not really. There is a reason why pin-up models were so hot!
If your package includes an album, you will then select the images in your gallery that you want in your album. Usually we like to select anywhere between 25-35 images. I will then order the album, with the super thick pages, and deliver it to you when it's complete.

I can't tell you how many times women book a boudoir session for their spouse and then send a message after the fact that they couldn't believe how much they actually needed that for themselves.

BRITTANYSingle mom, photographer, animal lover, and honest to a fault forever. Living in Benson and I left teaching to start a creative business five years ago and hope to inspire others to believe they are capable, good, and in control of their own destiny. Not only do I speak about photography, but about mental health as I believe deeply in making your mess your message because nothing is all sunshine and rainbows. Want to know more? Click below!