Any time that a client asks me if their dog can come along or participate in a photoshoot, my answer is always ABSOLUTELY!!! Dogs are such a blast and add so much more excitement to any shoot.

Here is Abita – she wanted to join us for her little sister’s newborn shoot!

I saw a videoclip the other day of a woman who retired in Cuba and bought over 300 acres of land. She decided to turn that land into a dog sanctuary where almost 1,000 rescue dogs live and roam. I mean HONESTLY could that be any cuter and also sounds like a total dream! I’d love to be able to do that one day!

Keep scrolling to check out just a few of the sweet pups that I've photographed for sessions:

I love it when you bring your pup to the session with a leash. Not only are leashes required at most of the places I shoot, but we can place them somewhere to the side or I can hold their leash while I'm shooting. This is possible to do if you don't want the pup(s) in all of the pictures. Of course, if you do want them in ALL of the images, that is totally fine too!

So anyway, my point is that any time you want any of your four legged animals to join us in a shoot – as long as I get some sweet love from them too – I’m totally A-okay with it! If your dogs, or any of your pets for that matter, are part of the family like my dog is please bring them!



Single mom, photographer, animal lover, and honest to a fault forever. Living in Benson and I left teaching to start a creative business five years ago and hope to inspire others to believe they are capable, good, and in control of their own destiny. Not only do I speak about photography, but about mental health as I believe deeply in making your mess your message because nothing is all sunshine and rainbows. Want to know more? Click below!

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